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Tree and Hedgerow Planting

The Community Benefit Fund has been used to support a tree and hedgerow planting scheme in the village. In 2022 residents were asked if they would like to receive a free tree or some whips for plantingĀ a hedge with the ambitious aim of planting the equivalent of five trees per residence in the Parish. The Parish Council does not own any land so all planting needed to be done on private land and landowners/homeowners would be asked to plant and take care of the trees.

Response from residents to the proposal was fantastic and in early December 2022 210 trees and 405 metres of hedgerow were delivered to over 100 houses in the village. It is hoped that these trees will grow and improve the environment in Winchfield for everyone. The project isn’t closed and it is hoped that more trees and hedgerow will be planted in 2023 and beyond. Should anyone wish to obtain a tree or hedgerow plants please contact the clerk:

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