Annual Parish Assembly
Once a year there is an Annual Parish Assembly. This is not a meeting of the Parish Council. This is a meeting of the parish electors and is due to take place on Monday 20 May 2024 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall (arrive from 6.15pm when drinks will be available).
Scheduled: 20 May 2024 - 18:30 to 19:30

Once a year there is an Annual Parish Assembly. This is not a meeting of the Parish Council. This is a meeting of the parish electors which must take place between the 1st of March and 1st of June each year. The legislation that establishes this meeting is in section 14 and 15 of the Local Government Act 1972. The Chairman of the Parish Council, any two Councillors or six electors may call the Annual Assembly. It is chaired by the Parish Council Chairman if present. Electors are able to contribute to the agenda and participate. The meeting is often used to celebrate local activities and debate local issues.
Event Price
Event Location
Winchfield Village Hall