Road Works
Temporary Road Closures are authorised by Hart District Council and full details of all closures can be found on the Hart District Council website.
50mph LIMIT ON B3016. Speed limit signs were put up on the B3016 Hartley Wintney to Odiham road on October 14, 2016. This came after more than 30 years of campaigning by residents and the parish council, but the limit stops for drivers from the Hartley Wintney direction just after the Beauclerk Green turning and therefore before the dangerous bend outside Dignity pet crematorium where a number of accidents have happened.
The issue was raised by residents at the Annual Parish Assembly on May 22, 2017, and the parish council has been continuing to ask the authorities to extend the limit.
Road Safety
Junction of Pale Lane and A323
Following a number of accidents at the junction of Pale Lane and the A323 Winchfield Parish Council has written to Hampshire County Council requesting a urgent safety review be conducted. The letter can be seen in full below. In response to this letter Hampshire Highways confirmed that the location had been discussed by the Casualty Reduction Team at a meeting with the local County Councillors for the area. The Team agreed that there were some simple measures that could help the situation and in August 2023 it was advised that drawings were being prepared for consultation with the Councillors. Once they have agreed the plans it is hoped they will be shared with the Parish Council.
Station Road – Charrington Farm to Odiham Road
Following the WPC meeting on 24 July 2023 where concerns were raised by members of the public about the number of large vehicles transiting to and from Charrington Farm on Station Road, WPC has written to Hampshire County Council. The letter can be found below along with the email correspondence that took place following submission of the letter. The Parish Council will continue to monitor this situation very carefully.